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Tokaido Line



The Tokaido Line was Japan's first railroad line, including the line between Shimbashi and Yokohama, which opened in 1872. It is known as one of Japan's most famous lines connecting Tokyo to Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, and Osaka, and since the Tokaido Shinkansen began service in 1964, it has been used as a regional commuter line as well as a route connecting the long-known hot springs and tourist destinations of Atami, Hakone, and Izu. This time we can drive from Japan's capital, Tokyo, to the famous hot spring resort of Atami.

In the first half of the train, from the office district of Tokyo, the capital of Japan, and the Shinkansen and boarding scenery, you can see the blue sea of Sagami Bay on the left side of the train, Odawara Castle, one of the 100 most famous castles in Japan, on the right side of the train, Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, passing by the Shinkansen while driving and enjoying scenic views while driving.

Key data

  • Total length : 104.6 km
  • Number of stations : 21
  • Safety system : ATP-P
  • Train model : E233-3000 series (10/15 cars)
  • Max speed :
    • Tokyo ~ Totsuka : 110km/h
    • Totsuka ~ Odawara : 120km/h
    • Odawara ~ Atami : 110km/h
  • Max speed after signals :
    • Reduced speed (green/yellow) : 75 km/h
    • Caution (yellow) : 55 km/h
    • Speed restriction (yellow/yellow) : 25 km/h
  • Routes :
    • Tokyo ~ Atami (1865E) : Local train - 15 cars - 21 stations - 104.6 km
    • Tokyo ~ Odawara (1525E) : Local train - 10 cars - 16 stations - 83.9 km
    • Tokyo ~ Kōzu (1531E) : Local train - 15 cars - 14 stations - 77.7 km
    • Tokyo ~ Hiratsuka (1567E) : Local train - 15 cars - 11 stations - 63.8 km
    • Tokyo ~ Atami (3535E) : Rapid train "ACTY" - 15 cars - 17 stations - 104.6 km
  • In-train announcements : Yes
  • Driver announcement (pointing-and-calling) : No


The “Rapid ACTY” timetable was withdrawn on March 18, 2023 after 34 years of operation.

Train no. 1567E is also present on the Utsunomiya line, making it possible to link Utsunomiya ~ Tōkyō ~ Hiratsuka, a journey of over 170km.

Stations list

Station name
Japanese name
Distance (km) Rapid
Local JRETS connections
Tokyo 東京 0.0

JK Keihin–Tōhoku

JC Chūō (rapid) (last stop)

JU Utsunomiya (last stop)

JO Sōbu (Rapid)

JJ Jōban

JY Yamanote

JE Keiyō (last stop)
JO Yokosuka (last stop)

Shimbashi 新橋 1.9 JY Yamanote
JK Keihin–Tōhoku
JO Yokosuka

JJ Jōban

Shinagawa 品川 6.8 JY Yamanote
JK Keihin–Tōhoku
JO Yokosuka

JJ Jōban

Kawasaki 川崎 18.2 JK Keihin–Tōhoku
JN Nambu
Yokohama 横浜 28.8

JK Keihin–Tōhoku / Negishi

Totsuka 戸塚 40.9 JO Yokosuka
Ōfuna 大船 46.5 JK Negishi (last stop)
JO Yokosuka
Fujisawa 藤沢 51.1  
Tsujidō 辻堂 54.8
Chigasaki 茅ヶ崎 58.6  
Hiratsuka 平塚 63.8  
Ōiso 大磯 67.8  
Ninomiya 二宮 73.1  
Kōzu 国府津 77.7  
Kamonomiya 鴨宮 80.8  
Odawara 小田原 83.9  
Hayakawa 早川 86.0
Nebukawa 根府川 90.4
Manazuru 真鶴 95.8  
Yugawara 湯河原 99.1  
Atami 熱海 104.6



Driver's guide and timetables: