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Chūō Line (Rapid Service)



The Chuo Line Rapid Service one of the major commuter lines in the Tokyo metropolitan area, connecting the Tama area, a bedroom community spreading in the western part of Tokyo, with Shinjuku, the world's largest terminal station, and the office areas of central Tokyo.
The line runs east to west in a straight line for more than 20 km through the center of Tokyo between Tachikawa Station and Nakano Station.

The line between Yotsuya and Ochanomizu Stations is characterized by the fact that the tracks are laid along the remains of the outer moat of Edo Castle, and passengers can enjoy the varied scenery of the outer moat of Edo Castle and the Kanda River.

The first half of the line is a commuter line running through a bedroom town, while the second half runs through the Akihabara Electric Town and the office district of central Tokyo.

Key data

  • Line length : 53.1 km
  • Number of stations : 24
  • Safety system : ATS-P
  • Train model : E233-0 series (10 cars)
  • Max speed : 100 km/h
  • Max speed after signals :
    • Reduced speed (green/yellow) : 65 km/h
    • Caution (yellow) : 45 km/h
    • Speed restriction (yellow/yellow) : 25 km/h
  • Routes :
    • Tachikawa ~ Tokyo (602H) : "Commuter Special Rapid" - 7 stations - 37.5 km
    • Takao ~ Tokyo (692T) : "Rapid" - 24 stations - 53.1 km
    • Takao ~ Tokyo (916H) : "Chuo Special Rapid" - 14 stations - 53.1 km
    • Tachikawa ~ Tokyo (1034T) : "Rapid" - 16 stations - 37.5 km
    • Takao ~ Tokyo (1654T) : "Rapid" - 24 stations - 53.1 km
  • In-train announcements : Yes
  • Driver announcement (pointing-and-calling) : No

Stations list

Station name
Japanese name
from Tokyo
Services JRETS connections
Rapid Rapid
Commuter Rapid Special
Takao 高尾 53,1    
Nishi-Hachiōji 西八王子 49,8    
Hachiōji 八王子 47,4

Toyoda 豊田 43,1

Hino 日野 40,8

Tachikawa 立川 37,5 JN Nambu (last stop)
Kunitachi 国立 34,5 | |  
Nishi-Kokubunji 西国分寺 32,8 | |  
Kokubunji 国分寺 31,4  
Musashi-Koganei 武蔵小金井 29,1 | |  
Higashi-Koganei 東小金井 27,4 | |  
Musashi-Sakai 武蔵境 25,7 | |
Mitaka 三鷹 24,1 |  
Kichijōji 吉祥寺 22,5 | |  
Nishi-Ogikubo 西荻窪 20,6 | |  
Ogikubo 荻窪 18,7 | |  
Asagaya 阿佐ケ谷 17,3 | |  
Kōenji 高円寺 16,1 | |  
Nakano 中野 14,7 |  
Shinjuku 新宿 10,3

JY Yamanote

JA Saikyō

Yotsuya 四ツ谷 6,6  
Ochanomizu 御茶ノ水 2,6  
Kanda 神田 1,3

JK Keihin–Tōhoku

JY Yamanote

Tokyo 東京 0

JK Keihin–Tōhoku

JT Tōkaidō

JU Utsunomiya (last stop)

JO Sōbu (Rapid)

JJ Jōban

JY Yamanote

JE Keiyō (last stop)
JO Yokosuka (last stop)


Wikipedia : 

Driver's guide and timetables: