Saikyo-Kawagoe Line (missing opinion)
Les lignesThe Saikyo etand Kawagoe sontLines l'uneare desone principalesof lignesthe demajor banlieuecommuter delines lain régionthe métropolitaineTokyo demetropolitan Tokyo.area, Ellesrunning relientfrom la gare d'Osaki àStation lavia gareOmiya deStation to Kawagoe enStation. passantFrom parOsaki laStation, garethe d'Omiya.lines Depuisprovide la gare d'Osaki, les lignes offrent undirect service directto vers la ligne Rinkai duthe Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit enRinkai Line in the direction deof laShinkiba gareStation, deand Shinkiba, et depuis la gare defrom Hazawa yokohama-kokudai versStation lato lignethe Sotetsu enLine in the direction deof laEbina gareStation. d'Ebina. CeThis DLC n'inclutincludes queonly les lignesthe Saikyo etLine and Kawagoe entreLine lesbetween gares d'Osaki etStation deand Kawagoe.Kawagoe Station.
LeThe systèmeautomatic detrain protection automatiquesystem desswitches trainstwice commuteon deuxthe fois sur le trajet.way. (ATS-P entrebetween les gares d'Osaki etand d'Ikebukuro,Ikebukuro stations, ATACS entrebetween les gares d'Ikebukuro etand d'Omiya,Omiya etstations, and ATS-P entrebetween les gares d'Omiya etand deKawagoe Kawagoe)stations)
LaThe premièrefirst moitiéhalf duof the train traverseruns unthrough quartieran deoffice bureauxdistrict duin centre decentral Tokyo, lathe partiemiddle centralepart unethrough villea debed banlieue,town, etand lathe dernièrelatter moitiéhalf unthrough paysagea rural aveclandscape deswith champs.fields. NousPlease vousenjoy invitonsthe àchanging apprécierscenery lesalong paysagesthe changeants le long de la ligne.line.
DonnéesKey principalesdata
DistanceLinetotale de la ligne :length: 53 kmNombreNumberdeofgares :stations: 24SystèmeSafetyde sécurité :system: ATS-P / ATACSModèleTrainde train :model:sérieE233-7000 seriesVitessesMaxmaximalesspeed :- Osaki~Ikebukuro : 95km/h (ATS-P)
- Ikebukuro~Omiya : 100km/h (ATACS)
- Omiya~Kawagoe : 95km/h (ATS-P)
VitessesMaxaprèsspeedsignalafter:signals:VitesseReducedréduitespeed (vert/jaune)green/yellow): 75 km/hAttentionCaution (jaune)yellow): 55 km/hVitesseSpeedrestreinterestriction (jaune/jaune)yellow/yellow): 25 km/h
Trajets :Routes:- Osaki ~ Kawagoe (1349F) :
Type"Rapid" - 10voiturescars - 20garesstations - 53 km - Osaki ~ Omiya (759K) :
Type"Local" - 10voiturescars - 19garesstations - 36.1 km
- Osaki ~ Kawagoe (1349F) :
DétailConsole de la console
Pas de description car je n'ai pas encore ce DLC.
Avis personneldetail
PasApart d'avisfrom the pocket watch and the door-closing indicator in the center of the console, there are 2 displays.
Main screen
The first screen (train technical info) displays electrical voltages and various indicators at the top.
The bottom area contains:
- Brake level and indicators for emergency brake in red (非常) and speed limit in green (抑速)
- Brake cylinder pressure (BC)
- Main air reservoir pressure (MR). Note that if this falls below the red zone (780kPa), the compressor starts up.
- Speed dial.
Here are the translations of the indicators, when ATS-P is the safety system:
One of the special features of this line is that the security system changes twice during the journey. There is an ATS-P -> ATACS passage at Ikebukuro station and an ATACS -> ATS-P passage at Omiya station.
So, here are the translations of the indicators, when ATACS is the safety system:
TIMS screen (Train Information Management System)
The second screen contains the trip information. The upper part shows the time, speed and distance between the train and:
- Shinagawa: between Osaki and Itabashi
- Ikebokuro: between Itabashi and Kita-Akabane
- Tokyo: between Kita-Akabane and Omiya
- Omiya: Between Omiya and Kawagoe
Below this, you'll find the train number and type (in the yellow frame).
Then, in the center, the left-hand section (only visible in ATACS section) shows the kilometer ahead, with stations highlighted. The number below (停止限界) indicates the distance to the next stop signal (red light).
Next, the stations to come are shown. In order :
- The previous station with a specified arrival/departure time (not displayed here)
- The current station (or the one just left) and the next 2 stations, potentially with an arrival time (in minutes - above the line) and a departure time (in minutes - below) (Musashi-Urawa/武蔵浦和 38:00 - Naka-Urawa/中浦和 - Minami-Yono/南与野 42:20)
- The next station with a specified arrival/departure time (Ōmiya/大宮 - 49:30 / 51:40)
- The station and arrival time at the terminus (Kawagoe/川越 - 15:40:40)
Finally, the bottom of the screen shows the different cars. The indicator above each car jeshows n'aiwhether pasthe encoredoors ceare (lit) or not. The cars can take on 2 colors: blue (engines in use) or orange (brakes in use).
LiensPersonal utilesopinion
WikipédiaNo opinion as I don't have played this DLC yet.
Useful links
Wikipedia : -
GuideDriver's de conduite :guide:
VidéoMovie deof lathe ligneline: : A venir
Feuille de routeTimetable (enin japonais) japanese):