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Oga Line

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The Oga Line is a 26.4 km long line connecting Oiwake Station in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, to Oga Station in Oga City, Akita Prefecture. All trains operate directly to the Ou Line, and this DLC includes a 39.4 km long section, including a portion between Akita Station and Oiwake Station on the Ou Line.

The Oga Line began service in 1913 as the Funakawa Light Rail Line connecting Oiwake and Futada Stations, and later in 1916 the entire line was opened to Funakawa Station, which is now Oga Station. Currently, only regular trains operate on the line, but in the past, the night express train "Oga" departing from Ueno Station used to run to Oga Station as a temporary train.

The maximum speed changes depending on the section of track (Ou Line section: 95 km/h, Oga Line section: 85 km/h), and all trains are operated as one-man trains. (*In this DLC, implemented in two-man specification)

The EV-E801 series AC battery-powered trains began operating on the Oga Line in 2017, and now all trains on the line are operated by the EV-E801 series. The EV-E801 Series runs in two modes: between Akita Station and Oiwake Station, the electrified section, it runs on electricity from overhead wires, while between Oiwake Station and Oga Station, the non-electrified section, it runs on electricity stored in storage batteries with the pantographs down. The first track at Oga Station is equipped with recharging facilities so that passengers can recharge their batteries during the time the train stops before turning around.

On the way to Oiwake Station, the Ou Line section runs through a bedroom town of Akita City. After leaving Oiwake Station, the train enters the Oga Line section, where fields along the line become conspicuous, and from the Wakimoto Station area, the train winds through mountainous areas. Please enjoy driving the EV-E801 series AC battery-powered train with the sightseeing spot "Mt. Kanpuzan" in Oga City, Akita Prefecture in this DLC.

Key data

  • Line Length: 39.4 km
  • Number of stations: 13
  • Safety system: ATS-Ps
  • Train model: EV-E801 serie (2 cars)
  • Max speed:
    • Akita ~ Oiwake: 95 km/h
    • Oiwake ~ Oga : 85 km/h
  • Max speed after signals:
    • Reduced speed (green/yellow): 65 km/h (75km/h for Akita ~ Oiwake)
    • Caution (yellow): 45 km/h (55km/h for Akita ~ Oiwake)
    • Speed restriction (yellow/yellow): 25 km/h
  • Routes:
    • Akita ~ Oga (1127M) : "Local" type - 12 stations - 39.4 km
    • Akita ~ Oga (1131M) : "Local" type - 12 stations - 39.4 km
    • Akita ~ Oga (1133M) : "Local" type - 12 stations - 39.4 km
    • Akita ~ Oga (1135M) : "Local" type - 12 stations - 39.4 km
  • In-train announcements : Yes
  • Driver announcement (pointing-and-calling) : Yes

Console details

TheAs left-handtimetables sideare featuresnot various indicators and dials.


At the top is a series of indicators:

  1. Emergency short circuit (非常短絡)
  2. ATS power supply (ATS電源)
  3. ATS in progress (ATS動作)
  4. Snow resistance (耐雪ブレーキ)
  5. Safety Brakes (直通予備)
  6. Cruise control (定速)
  7. Vacuum circuit breaker all-in (VCB全入)
  8. Vacuum circuit breaker all-cut (VCB全切)

Below is the ATS-P/Ps panel. 

Finally, there's the speedometer, followed by the brake cylinder pressure (black arrow) and main compressed air reservoir pressure (red arrow) gauges, and finally the door closing indicator and the pocket watch.



The first section of the screen contains the following elements (in addition to buttons that cannot be used):

  • The first section displays the current date and time.
  • The second part displays the distance between the train and certain main stations (キロ程).
  • The third section displays several indicators.
  • The fourth shows the destination, Oga (男鹿).
  • Finally, a "system number" is displayed (系統番号).

On the central part, we have :

  • Several indicatorsavailable on the left:
    • 3-phase (三相)
    • Overhead line present (架線あり)
    • No overhead line (架線なし)
    • Oga - In station (男鹿構内)
    • Oga - Recharge in progress (男鹿充電)
    • CSCOS treatment (CSCOS扱い)
  • In the center, we have the train number (編成番号), followed by the representation of the different cars and the door opening status (yellow: open, green: closed).
  • Finally, on the right, the current brake level, with emergency brake (非常) and speed limit (抑速) indicators.

Finally, at the bottom of the screen, we haverecommend using the nexttimetables stopor displaying the STA indicator.

On arrival at Oiwake station, you can listen to the procedure for switching from the electrified network to the batteries.

Stations list

here (Theyellowindicateswhetherthenextstation(次駅)staffed(有人)orunstaffed(無人).Thearebuttonsthatcan'tbeused.

Station name
Japanese name
Distance from Oiwake (次の停車駅),km) JRETS connections
Kamifutada 上二田). 8,3  banner
Futada 二田 10,4  is
Tennō 天王 13,2  rest
Funakoshi 船越 14,9  


Useful links


Driver's guide:guide and timetables: 

Timetables (in japanese):